Ways To Make Hair Thicker With Foods

The health of hair depends upon the general health of your body, skin and the hair follicles. Nutrients do have an effect on each part of the body, including hair. The normal growth of the hair is about half an inch each month but the health, length and thickness of the hair depends much upon the food we eat. Healthy, full hair is a result of hair follicles absorbing vitamins and other nutrients. Many vitamins essential to healthy hair are found in the foods we eat.

For healthy hair, we require protein and vitamin rich food, salmon and dark green vegetables and vitamin-fortified shampoos. The following items of food will be of great help to you:

  • Eat food rich in protein. Lean meat, beans, peanut butter and eggs are a rich source of protein. These items of food help fuller and stronger hair growth. Protein rich food can also help speed up hair growth.
  • Items of food like salmon and green vegetables are a must and should form a regular part of your diet. Healthy diet helps one to have healthy scalp skin, which in turn results in growth of healthy hair. Salmon is a rich source of omega 3 and protein, both being essential for healthy scalp. This is also a rich source of iron and Vitamin B12. Dark green vegetables are a rich source of Vitamin A and C. These help produce sebum, oil which conditions the body. Sebum is very helpful for healthy follicles.
  • Each meal should be accompanied with fresh fruits and vegetables. Broccoli, spinach and lettuce should be consumed to the extent possible. These are rich source of Vitamin A, C iron and calcium and are necessary for long and healthy hair.
  • Vitamin B supplement should be part of your diet plan. This vitamin is known to reduce hair thinning and hair fall. Vitamin A, C, E and B3 can be taken as food supplement for healthier hair.
  • As always suggested for a healthy body, drinking plenty of water each day is a must.  Water helps increase blood circulation which in turn provides sufficient quantity of oxygen to scalp. High calorie and carbonated drinks should be avoided.
  • A large number of shampoos are available in the market for different type of hair. Chose the shampoo that suits the best for your hair i.e. if you have dry, oily or normal hair you will need different shampoo. In addition to this, shampoos and conditioners fortified with vitamin A, C and E are available in stores. It will be better if these are massaged on the scalp before washing the hair. You will get excellent results.

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