Makeup Tips For Plus Size Women

plus-size-women-makeup-tipsMakeup is women’s favorite topic of discussion in any gathering. They often exchange tips and discuss issues they have had while wearing makeup. While a good make up can make women beautiful an awful one can draw her looks low. This is applicable for all men and women, skinny and plumpy, short and tall.

Those who are plus sized should give even more attention to the colors and style of makeup so that they can camouflage their negatives and highlight the positives. Mainly attempts should be made to make the face appear less roundish as most plus sized women have roundish face. Here are few tips on colors and styles to be adopted by such women.


They should not use stark blush which would create a hollowed-cheek look as it would accentuates the roundness of the face. Colors used should match the skin and hair. Blushes should be applied on the apple of the cheek. To it right, big smile should be followed by application of blush on the bulgiest part of the cheeks.


It should match the skin color otherwise it would appear that they have a face mask on. A matte finish should be opted over pasty one. As the rounded cheeks would catch light and pasty one will give the appearance of sweating or oily skin and would look the face unattractive.

Eye Shadow

Dark colors or very heavy application is not recommended. The color used is light and go with the outfit. A layer shade should be applied under the brows and slightly dark one over the eye lids. The idea for this application is to emphasize the eyes and not resemble a vamp.


Eyeliners should be applied on the upper and lower eyelids to highlight the eyes. The best way to apply it is to start from the middle and go to the outer corner of the eye. Brown-black, charcoal brown and smoky blue are recommended colors as they go will all eyes and hair color. Eyeliner drawn a little outside the eye of the lower lid will give an exotic look but it should be done finely and should be hardly visible.


Lipstick enhances the color of the face. But care should be taken to choose the appropriate shade. It should suit the occasion. Trendy colors like lilac may not suit a plus sized women. It should never be combined with neutral lip liner. They would look plain and dull. A colour like red suits all types of women and makes the face attractive too.

Lastly of plus sized women should not shun themselves from have smoky eyes and sultry lips. They are no less sexy than those lanky, skinny runny away models. Wearing sexy makeup would make them feel confident and sexy too. The whole idea of taking so much efforts in painting up the face and wearing the right outfit is to make ones self appealing and raising self esteem. Round and plumpness should not lower their self confidence.

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